Lisa Hostman

Instructor at Moving Body Pilates
Vancouver, Canada


Lisa was first introduced to the Pilates method when retiring from a professional dance career. Drawn to its intelligent capacity to replace non-optimal patterns in the body with more efficient and functional ones, she completed her certification at Boditree Pilates alongside a degree in Counselling. Her personal experience living with a spinal curvature led her to pursue a specialization in Pilates techniques for Scoliosis with Suzanne Martin, DPT.

She has continued to update her knowledge with the Schroth Method-based work of Scolio-Pilates author Karena Thek-Lineback. In her studio Moving Body Pilates, Lisa is passionate about working with all aspects of scoliosis. Through both private and small group classes, her goals are both to educate as well as provide clients with physical strategies to better manage their scoliosis in everyday life.