As it Happens: 21-Day TWiSTED Transformation


It's the second week of our TOPS 21-Day TWiSTED TRANSFORMATION challenge, and it's going very well!

Since kick-off on November 1, it has been exciting to wake up every morning to meet a group of people online from around the world with varying degrees of twisty-ness for a daily bodywork practice.

Guided by three teachers, these gentle movement classes are geared towards back care, particularly scoliosis. Kathryn, Sandra and Martha are really enjoying the collaboration—and meeting a new community—as we encourage everyone to ‘find a home in their body - in their home!'

So far... people are saying:

"I’m enjoying everything about these classes, especially the strengths and perspectives you each bring and the way you work together to support all of us participating. I am really enjoying the somatics part of it!"

"The practice of tuning into my own body, it’s a much steeper curve (no pun intended) than I realized! The variety of teachers, the suggestions for alternate positions, the discussions at the beginning, it’s interesting to hear what others struggle with."

“Pretty much everything! It’s nice to have yoga geared to my scoliosis and accessible for I me, even with a fused spine”

”All the teachers are very knowledgeable and have shared information that has given me awareness of my body curves. The questions asked by other students make me realize I am not alone in the concerns I have about my twists and curves.”

”So much specific info about scoliosis that is relevant to me. Pace, blend of teaching techniques, Q&A so helpful, compassion of teachers and sharing some of their journey.”

”The 3 different styles of practice give my body AND mind daily challenges.”

”I am loving the shared experience with other twisted gals. I have never been in a group like this for scoliosis support and I love it!”

Tempted? Add your name to our waitlist!

Registration is closed and our November series is already under way, BUT please email us if you'd like to be added to the waitlist for a future 21-Day challenge!

Drawing on various techniques combining breathing, stretch, massage, yoga, somatic and freestyle movement, each class will guide you to discover, enjoy, and establish (or reinvigorate) a new level of connection with your body and self-care practice.

These classes are focused for anyone looking for help with back issues, such as scoliosis and fusion, but are also for anyone who is looking for a transformation!  

All levels and abilities welcome! Practice makes progress. All you need to do is show up!

The guided classes are designed to support you in amazing potential outcomes such as:

  • Transforming your relationship with your own body

  • Better understanding your own body issues, particularly back issues

  • Reducing pain, anxiety, insomnia!

  • Improving your strength, stability, confidence, mobility, and more!

  • Finding a home in your body by practicing in your home!

Martha Carter