RECAP: Back Care on the Beach 2019 - Troncones, Mexico

BCOB participants traded in the winter chill for summer sun in beautiful Troncones, Mexico earlier last month. Martha led the group through a week of relaxing bodywork and movement exploration classes in the lovely open-air beach studio at Yoga del Pacifico. And delicious food, beach walks, bike rides, swimming, sunning, shopping, and exploring the lovely local town rounded out the experience.


TEMPTED? Consider joining our upcoming Body Care on the Island with Martha Carter - August 2020!

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Register by our Registration Deadline April 17, 2020 and save $50. Input coupon code: WOLK2020 at Registration.

The scoliotic spine affects not only the bones and muscles, it also affects the nerves. The feedback from the right and left sides of the curves is not the same: one side is contracted and one side is overstretched. In the nervous system, this can create disorientation and a mix of inertia and tension in the scoliotic body, along with a building sense of anxiety, discomfort and an inability to rest.

In this workshop, you will learn techniques to practice building your energy with active poses which access numb unused areas, release overused overstretched muscles and allow your body to rest by finding release where muscles are over-contracted. Using prop setups and other stimuli which allow the nervous system to balance these extremes, the techniques in this workshop will help you to find a centre place where you can rest.

This retreat is for all levels, as well as for students with spinal fusions. Teachers who work with students who have scoliosis are also encouraged to attend.

Martha Carter