Fusion Q&A with Martha Carter - Rod Support?


In our April Newsletter, we launched a Fusion Q&A series. Every month since, Martha has answered an anonymous question about scoliosis fusions.


QUESTION: After your surgery did the rods feel like they provided support and relieve the muscle tension that we all experience from our spines holding on to the curve - was there a sense of support? I’m imagining that the muscle pain related to supporting the curve will diminish with the structure's support! What is everyone’s experience?

There is no question that after surgery, the rods support the spine and torso in new ways, and there is usually relief from the muscle tension caused by the twisting and curving.

However, like everything with scoliosis, the results of the surgery are experienced differently by each body; some people feel complete relief and others experience new aches and pains. It is also important to take note that sometimes the hardware causes trouble, and sometimes the adjacent vertebrae degenerate due to compression. 

No matter what, it is important to understand that the rods are there to support you, not hold you up! It is essential to stay mindful and strong with the help of exercises and supportive care because the effects of surgery—both positive and negative—can and will evolve throughout the different stages of life.