Fusion Q&A with Martha Carter - Burning Sensation Under Shoulder Blades?


In our April Newsletter, we launched a Fusion Q&A series. Every month since, Martha has answered an anonymous question about scoliosis fusions.


QUESTION: What can I do about the extreme 24/7 burning sensation I am having under one of my shoulder blades?

ANSWER: A scoliotic curve and fusion ALWAYS affects the position of the shoulders. Not only is one shoulder usually more twisted, lower, or rolled forward than the other, but more often than not, the shoulder blades lose their ability to slide up and down over the ribs - causing stiffness, pain, and dysfunction. The good news is that it is quite easy and pleasurable to increase shoulder function by exploring your own range of movement in your shoulders and whole torso.

One thing to keep in mind is that the shoulder is the most complex joint in the body, with the ability to move in many directions. Therefore, it is helpful to isolate each direction to observe what moves easily and what feels stuck, and how it affects the rest of your torso. As you find a fuller ranger of motion, the pain will lessen and eventually disappear… as long as you keep reminding your body to adjust to the new patterns. See instructions below for some good shoulder explorations — plus a link to a video, to see it in action.

Good Supportive Care can also help—in particular massage, acupuncture, and ball rolling.


  1. UP AND DOWN: Sit comfortably in a chair and slowly lift one shoulder to your ear and then let it slide back down. Do this slowly, coordinating your breath.
    Notice if you can do this smoothly and without extra tension in the rest of the body. Repeat a few times and then do it on the other side.
    Does one side feel different that the other? Can you make each shoulder move in a similar way?

  2. SHRUG: Cross your arms over you chest and shrug both shoulders up to the ears. Notice the contraction in the shoulders and around the base of the skull and slowly release it as you lower the shoulders.
    Notice when the shoulders are high, the ribs open up like an accordion. Observe the ribs close as you lower the shoulders, letting the shoulder blades slide down to rest with ease on the back rib cage.

  3. SHOULDER ROLLS: Bring your fingers together in front of your sternum with your elbows out to the side. Pressing the tips of your fingers into your sternum, bring the backs of your hands together while your elbows come forward. Notice the movement of your shoulders as you let your chest sink between them. Take a deep breath into the position and gently release, letting the shoulder blades slide down your back.

    For more, click here to watch Video #3 “Somatic Shoulder Explorations” from my "10+1 Somatic Explorations for Scoliosis and Fusions (On a Chair)” video series.