'Restless Creature' - Documentary Film Review

Martha Carter reviews this Netflix Original documentary.


I absolutely love dance, and spent many, many years standing at a ballet barre.

From age 9 to 14, these were the best moments of my life.

After I had fusion surgery at 14 years old, I quickly understood that I would never be able to be a real ballerina. 

But I still love watching ballet, and I am in awe of the incredible facility of professional dancers of all styles.

When my massage therapist told me about a documentary about a dancer with scoliosis that made her think of me, I knew I wanted to see it.

It turned out to be the Netflix documentary, Restless Creature, about the life of New York City ballet star Wendy Whelan. 

Early in the film we understand that Wendy is facing her first serious injury—a labral tear in her hip joint— which is at the root of her facing possible retirement.

As she explores surgical options, she wrestles with letting go of dance.

Except for the ballet part, I wasn’t sure why my masseuse had thought of me, but then, there it was:


Not only does Wendy have a very significant scoliosis, but in her 30 years dancing, she NEVER had pain, nor did she ever sustain any previous injury due to her asymmetry. That is a rare situation for any dancer, let alone a twisty one.

It’s a very touching story, and Wendy is INCREDIBLE to watch!

I am not going to say anything else except—WATCH IT! 

It’s very inspiring! 


(Side Note: keep an eye out for acclaimed Vancouver, BC, choreographer Josh Beamish who created a duo for himself and Wendy. They show clips of them in the latter part of the film…)