Fusion Q&A with Martha Carter - Achy Arms?


In our April Newsletter, we launched a Fusion Q&A series. Every month since, Martha has answered an anonymous question about scoliosis fusions.


QUESTION: Has anyone ever experienced aching in their arms? Just curious if it could be fusion-related?

I read questions all the time asking whether or not a physical issue is fusion-related. For example, folks often ask questions about whether fusion causes issues like indigestion and acid reflux; a sore neck and tight shoulders; headaches, tight jaws, tender joints, etc—not to mention emotional issues, particularly anxiety and depression!

The quick answer is YES! 

If you have had a spinal fusion, then there is no doubt that your whole body, mind and soul is affected by it in some way or another. The tricky part is that it affects everyone differently and at different times in life, so it can be very difficult to figure things out. Sometimes it can feel like there are several different 'problems’ occurring at once which all need to be addressed separately. And if you go to see a doctor about those problems, they will likely approach each issue with a different diagnosis and possibly different medications. This can be exhausting, overwhelming, and not always helpful in the long run.  

So what can you do?

Firstly, it is important to remember that scoliosis—fused or not—is a whole-body condition. Think about it… our curved and twisted spines live in the centre of our bodies which impacts the entire nervous system from the inside out. When a spine is surgically corrected, it is a huge trauma to the entire ‘soma’ in a very short period. Emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually: everything gets dramatically realigned. The patient awakens to a new reality of a more straight and elongated body, but there is the loss of natural mobility and fluidity, not to mention varying levels of discomfort, pain, and overall stress.

Teenagers usually recover very quickly—at least physically—however, as patients get older, it is common for aches and pains to appear with all the accompanying questions of whether or not the aching, etc, is related to the fusion. 

With this in mind, it makes sense for all fusioneers to learn ways to relax and calm their nervous systems through regular gentle exercise, breathing and/or meditation techniques, and helpful lifestyle choices such as a good diet and sleep. 

As for what else to do for aching arms? 

I suggest the following actions to get your energy circulating through your torso to your arms to energize and strengthen them.

  1. Along with deep breathing, self massage each arm by squeezing with the opposite hand. Do this several times a day. Use a lotion or muscle balm if that is desirable.

  2. Decompress the upper body by slowly rolling shoulders and circling arms - one direction then the other. 

  3. Decompress the spine by facing a wall and stretching your arms up the wall above your head.

  4. Start doing very gentle strengthening exercises for your upper body; light weights or even small pushups against a wall (not full body weight to begin).

For more gentle movement suggestions, check out the 10+1 video exercises!