10 + 1 Spinal Fusion Suggestions for 2024

This is Part 40 of a serial blog originally titled 'Martha Carter's Healing Journey'. Curious about the earlier posts? To start from the beginning, read Part 1.



1. AWARENESS: The first step is to start to pay attention and learn to listen to your body… then learn to respond. Scoliosis affects the full body with its curves and twists, and having a fusion affects the whole body with its constant rigidity which in turn limits our full movement potential.

Learn both your curve pattern and know which level of vertebrae are fused. This will help you visualize and better sense your authentic mobility.

2. BREATHE: Practice ways of expanding the whole torso and keep the ribs supple through deep breathing which is also an essential way to calm our nervous systems. Our ribs are NOT fused, but they often feel that way!

3. MOVE: Find your own way of exploring movement practices that feel safe and helpful for you. Learn to soften, expand, elongate, strengthen and maintain your best easeful mobility by finding the right program or form of support for you.

4. WALK: Walking is our most important exercise and, if you do it regularly with awareness, it can be enough to stay fit, strong, and mobile. Use poles if desired.

5. GENTLE THERAPEUTIC MOVEMENT: Exploring Therapeutic modalities like Yoga, Pilates, Somatics or Schroth Method are generally very safe. However, it’s always best to work with a practitioner who specializes in scoliosis and fusion - ie: someone that has one themself!

Find several free therapeutic exercises at this link: https://www.youtube.com/@twistedoutreachproject6025/playlists

6. DYNAMIC EXERCISE: Non-impact activities like swimming, hiking, and biking are usually very accessible to people with fusion… always with caution, and the correct sitting angle on the bike! Many people enjoy working out in the gym - cautiously! And there are many people who are very athletic - especially when they are younger. But impact can cause long term wear and tear on the discs above and below the fused area that are forced to strain more than they are built for, so be careful.

For those who don’t feel confident with athletics, see #5.

7. SUPPORTIVE CARE: Massage Therapy and other supportive care such as acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, reiki, reflexology, hydrotherapy, etc can be a wonderful way to develop new awareness which is #1 on the list. It also helps to reduce scar tissue, lessen muscle tightness, and release myofascial adhesions. Each practitioner has their unique way of working so it’s important to try different therapists and modalities to find a good fit for you.

8. EMOTIONAL COUNSELING: Emotional counseling can be a great way to let go of emotional stress caused by the fusion. Many folks have the surgery young, before they have their own ‘say’ over their lives. This can lead to frustration, low self-esteem, depression, lack of body confidence, and more. Talking it out can be a positive life-changer (the main reason we have a (free) fusion support group!).

It is also important to learn how to talk about your particular situation. Check out this short, unique video where Martha makes all kinds of suggestions about living with a fusion.

9. BE PATIENT - MANAGE EXPECTATIONS: Even though it is invisible to others, having scoliosis and a fused spine is a very difficult thing to live with, especially as we age. Some people have more mobility than others, but almost everyone struggles with pain, discomfort, stiffness, and limited mobility at some point or another. Remember #8.

10: GOOD DAYS AND BAD DAYS: For people with both fused and unfused scoliosis, not all days are equal. Some days are harder than others. Some days require extra awareness. Perhaps they require staying home, staying in bed, staying quiet, or some other self care that gets in the way of other obligations. Regardless, when possible, look after yourself ahead of others. Never be hard on yourself on a bad day, and always be careful of overconfidence on a good day!

11 (+1): STAY CURIOUS: Things can always change for the better. Staying curious allows for new information to come our way. Continuing movement explorations and paying attention to our emotional state helps us to stay open to new possibilities. 🌸

Sending wishes to all for a wonderful, easefull new year ahead!


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