Posts tagged Teens
Embrace the Brace with Ava

My scoliosis journey began in 2019 when I was 14 years old. ... My pediatrician referred us to a pediatric orthopedic clinic. The outlook did not look too good. My parents did a lot of research and decided to get care from a scoliosis clinic whose program focused on a non-invasive treatment approach to reduce the curve. We hoped we could avoid surgery.

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Martha Carter Talks About Her Healing Journey: 21 Years Post-Surgery - Part 1

Harrington Rods Removed — How a Reiki treatment led TOPS Founder Martha Carter to a new path of healing.

When I was told that I had scoliosis and needed to have Harrington rod surgery at age 13, I was also told that I wouldn’t be allowed to dance anymore and that I shouldn’t do any rigorous exercise or yoga. It was 1974, and the relatively new surgical procedure was in its early years.

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