Posts tagged Healing

Part 35 of Martha’s Healing Journey

“As we move into 2023 with a new sense of emotional freedom and openness after that crazy crippling pandemic, it occurs to me that it’s important to mindfully explore more freedom and openness in the body as well.

We all know it's easy to get seduced into ‘getting into better shape’ New Year’s resolutions by hitting the gym, or exploring other new exercise or diet routines meant to transform our lives. I hear it all the time...”  

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Reflections on My First Yoga Retreat in Mexico

Part 33 of Martha’s Healing Journey

When our bodies are relaxed and open, we are ready to absorb other new sensations, discoveries ,and experiences. And to do this in a place like Mexico adds to the richness of the experience as we find ourselves interacting with the people, culture, language, food, music, and astounding nature of the area.

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22 Things I Learned About the World of Scoliosis and Fusion in 2021

Part 32 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Thanks to the many online connections throughout this past year, including hosting a monthly Fusion Support Group, I have had the incredible opportunity to talk about scoliosis more than usual, and with a larger and growing community from around the world than ever before.

So, to bring in this New Year, I thought I would share some of my new insights and lessons right here... in point form, and in no particular order!

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SOMATIC TECHNIQUES — Discovering the Difference Between the External vs the Internal...

Part 30 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Throughout this blog, I have been writing about my healing journey, starting with the removal of my Harrington rods in 1995 when I was 35 years old — until today, where I am quickly approaching 60. Eek!

In some ways, I feel in better shape now than I was back then. That is because, regardless of the increasing wrinkles, extra flab, and age spots, I am much more mindful and aware about all aspects of my ‘soma'—my entire physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual being—than I have ever been before. Part of this has to do with life experience, but most of it is due to my constant search for different ways to be comfortable with my mostly uncomfortable fusion.

Yoga for Scoliosis, and yoga in general, has helped me tremendously, but I continue to find new layers of the ‘healing onion’ to explore.

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Thinking about Scoliosis through the work of Dr. Gabor Maté

Part 28 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Recently, I have been listening to many podcasts and watching Youtube videos exploring the Stress-Disease Connection by the acclaimed physician, speaker, teacher, and best-selling author, Dr. Gabor Maté. His talks are fascinating, sprinkled with insights from working as a physician, as well as his own personal experience dealing with addictions, depression, and anxiety. His research around trauma and healing intrigue me.

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Memories, Realizations, Reflections… and Questions.... (on the effects of scoliosis procedures, especially ‘corrective’ spinal fusion)

Part 27 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Recently, thanks to my work doing private consultations, classes, workshops and retreats, I have been meeting many wonderful ‘scoliotics’ and ‘fusioneers’. I am always amazed at the stories we share, and I continue to admire the incredible resilience shown by every single person with this confounding condition. 

Recently, I worked with a lovely woman in her mid-50s, who has lived and survived a very similar scoliosis story to me - more or less.

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Somatics Follow Up

Part 23 of Martha’s Healing Journey

In my December 2018 blog post, I wrote about how I was starting to learn a gentle body-mind technique called Somatics. Since that time, I have continued to explore this work, finding many interesting and helpful connections.

Today, I want to follow up about my progress with addressing my own sensory motor amnesia, specifically regarding scoliosis.

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Bye Bye 2018, Hello 2019

Part 21 of Martha’s Healing Journey

On New Year’s eve, I was chatting with my wonderfully ‘alive’ 83 year old mom. We were reflecting on the past year, and thinking ahead to 2019, when she asked: “So Martha, with all of your exploring of healing techniques, what do you think I should do next to look after myself… to be healthier; to feel better?”

That made me laugh out loud, as she is already more health-conscious and active than most people half her age - she does weekly pilates, senior’s exercise, regular massage, a yearly yoga retreat, walking, swimming, and more! Nevertheless, it got me thinking there is always more we can do for ourselves.

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About Martha's Stem Cell Procedure

Part 18 of Martha’s Healing Journey

How the spine relates to all other joints.

Over the years, as I have worked on finding comfort and mobility in my fused spine, I have definitely felt things improve for the better.

Unfortunately, one day about 13 years ago, while moving a box up some stairs, I felt my left knee pop, and that incident was - unbeknownst to me at the time - the beginning of a new healing journey.

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Scoliosis: A Confounding Condition

Part 16 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Scoliosis is a really confounding condition! The more I try to explain it, the more I realize that it is full of contradictions.

Nobody knows why it happens, or who will get it. Given that every scoliosis is unique, the effects can be so different for each person, which of course makes it difficult to compare notes.

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How Dance and Dancers Have Shaped and Informed Every Step of the Journey

Part 9 of Martha’s Healing Journey

I keep wanting to talk about getting into Yoga for Scoliosis — an eventual and integral part of my scoliosis journey following the removal of my Harrington Roads — but as I write this serial blog, and look back on all that’s happened, other memories get triggered and new understandings appear.

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Exploring Different Healing Modalities: Alexander Technique and Taoist Meditation

Part 8 of Martha’s Healing Journey

Ever since my rod removal 21 years ago, I have spent a LOT of time exploring different options for supportive care.

I never expected to go down this road, but exploring the myriad supportive care options out there has become an ongoing educational journey that I continue to find not only self-empowering, but endlessly fascinating.

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My Journey - and Discoveries - in Supportive Care

Part 6 of Martha’s Healing Journey

The results of my intense massage routine and gym training slowly gave me confidence to try new things in the search for more mobility and pain relief. I thought that by having my Harrington rods removed, everything would be better, immediately. But, as it turned out, I encountered a whole new set of challenges...

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Harrington Rods Removed — The Healing Journey Begins

Part 5 of Martha’s Healing Journey

As I mentioned in Part 3 of this serial blog post, after the removal of my Harrington rods, I was eager to experience movement in a new way—without the restriction of metal implants. But because I still felt stiff and had muscle spasms, I decided to work with a massage therapist, Dawn, to help break up the scar tissue that had built up over the years.

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Harrington Rods Removed — How a Reiki Treatment Lead TOPS Founder Martha Carter to a New Path of Healing

Part 1 of Martha’s Healing Journey

When I was told that I had scoliosis and needed to have Harrington rod surgery at age 13, I was also told that I wouldn’t be allowed to dance anymore and that I shouldn’t do any rigorous exercise or yoga. It was 1974, and the relatively new surgical procedure was in its early years.

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